With Growing Hearts!

2017 VanDusen Plant Sale results

While not all figures are final, we already know that the 2017 VanDusen Plant Sale was a big success.

Almost 14,000 people came into the Garden on April 29th – the majority going to the sale itself, and the balance visiting the Garden via the Visitor Centre. That total in one day is larger than the total Garden attendance for all of January, February, March and April!

Overall, the sale grossed $122,000. Once all expenses are in, we will know precisely how much will be committed to the VBGA Education program. While it’s not necessarily our best year ever, considering the kind of spring we’ve experienced in BC and the slow to emerge growing season that we’ve just come through, the results are really impressive.

A special thanks to the Plant Sale organizing committee who prepared for the sale over the course of the past year, and to the over 400 volunteers who came together over two days to once again deliver one of the marquis events in the Garden’s year.