VBGA Autumn Update

Autumn 2022 Update

VBGA is committed to supporting program participants to create a lifelong relationship with the natural world within the urban setting of Vancouver.

Our work seeks to build an awareness and appreciation of biodiversity which ultimately may support finding solutions to environmental concerns and issues. Thanks to donors like you, we are able to continuously adapt our work to the ever-changing needs of program participants, whether responding to a global pandemic or integrating innovative new ways of teaching inspired by research, technology and other resources.

Importantly, we are guided by our recent public engagement research, which indicated that the Gardens are recognized as places of connection between people, community, plants and nature. Although different things brought participants together, there was a collective value around how the Gardens are places where memories are made.

Please enjoy the pages that follow sharing highlights from our year so far. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or comments, and thank you for supporting the work of VBGA.

Read Autumn 2022 Report Now!